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Student Handbook

Welcome to Fort Stevens

Welcome to Fort Stevens Elementary. Each new school year brings about change and great opportunities, and this year is no exception. The staff strives daily to create an atmosphere where children feel connected and can learn in a safe, fun, and caring setting. 

It is our hope that you as parents/guardians will join us in promoting a positive attitude towards learning.  Student success is more likely when home and school can work together as a team.  Therefore, we encourage you to build a partnership with our school and become involved in all aspects of your child’s education through school activities, nightly homework, Booster Club, and our District Volunteer Program.

Communication is always the key to a successful partnership.  We hope that the information found in this handbook will help to answer any questions you may have.  School staff, community, parents/guardians, and students working together is what makes Fort Stevens Elementary a great place to learn. 

If at any time, you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please do not hesitate to call us at 360.458.4800.

Student Handbook (English | Spanish)

*Handbooks are subject to change throughout the year based on board policy, OSPI Guidelines or State & Federal Laws.


  • Self-Regulate: controlling our actions to make good choices
  • Overcome Challenges: using a growth mindset
  • Act with Integrity: doing what is right even if no one is looking
  • Respect Everyone: treating people the way you want to be treated

School Pledge

We are committed to creating a school that knows no limits to the social, emotional, and academic success of each student.

School Goal

Every student without exception and without excuse will achieve their full learning potential in reading, writing, and math.

Handbook Sections